to review our wider Continuous Professional Development Programmes and Events click here
Our Trainee Teacher (ITT) and Early Career Teacher (ECT) Programmes (Hosted by Kingsbridge EIP SCITT) are open to all and offer support to:
Autumn Term Professional Study Sessions 2021
Phase 3-7 | 5-11 | Secondary |
Course / Event |
Intended Outcomes |
Facilitated by |
Event Date AM 9.30- 12.30am PM 1pm – 3.30pm |
Booking Arrangements |
Trainee and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases |
Safeguarding and introduction to behaviour. Martin Haskayne SLE. |
Explore the key themes from KCSIE and the systems and processes to follow to keep children and young people safe. Introduction to behaviour management including some key strategies to help get you started.
Martin Haskayne- Specialist Leader of Education |
10th September 2021 PM (13:00 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per delegate |
Trainee and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases |
How Pupils Learn: The principles of effective instruction and an introduction to planning. Charlotte Hindley, ELE. |
Be familiar with Rosenshines Principles; explore what is required from an effective lesson; start to explore some strategies for checking understanding.
Charlotte Hindley Evidence Leads in Education (ELE). |
17th September 2021 AM (09:30 to 12:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainee and ECT Teachers within a Secondary Phases
Subject Knowledge Day 1 |
To develop subject knowledge in your area. |
Specialist Subject leads | Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) |
24th September 2021 Full Day (09:30 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within Primary Phases (3-7 & 5-11)
The Primary Curriculum: Day 1. Intent, implementation and impact. |
Explore the key reforms to the primary curriculum and discuss intent, implementation and impact.
Carly Bozdogan - Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) |
1st October 2021 AM (09:30 to 12:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases |
Assessment: Making the most of your marking and feedback policy. |
Begin to understand the terms formative and summative assessment; explore common methods for feedback and the best practice in this area; develop a checklist for what makes effective feedback.
Carly Bozdogan (Primary) - Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) Jen Machaj (Secondary)- Specialist Leader of Education |
1st October 2021 PM (13:00 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within a Secondary Phases
Subject Knowledge Day 2 |
To develop subject knowledge in your area. |
Specialist Subject leads | Specialist Leaders of Educations (SLEs) |
8th October 2021 Full Day (09:30 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within a Secondary Phases
Subject Knowledge Day 3 |
To develop subject knowledge in your area. |
Specialist Subject leads | Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) |
5th November 2021 Full Day (09:30 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases |
How pupils learn: Scaffolding, modelling and guided practice. Charlotte Hindley, ELE. |
Become familiar with the EEF scaffolding framework; develop understanding of the 7 step modelling process; become familiar with different types of modelling; become familiar with the gradual transfer of responsibility from teacher to pupil.
Charlotte Hindley Evidence Leads in Education (ELE).. |
12th November 2021 AM (09:30 to 12:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases
An introduction to working with pupils with SEN-D. Martin Haskayne, SLE. |
Role of the SENDCO; SEND and EHCPs; the Assess Plan Do Review Approach, a graduated approach.
Martin Haskayne - Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) |
12th November 2021 PM (13:00 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within a Secondary Phases
Subject Knowledge Day 3 |
To develop subject knowledge in your area. |
Specialist Subject leads | Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) |
19th November 2021 Full Day (09:30 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases |
Assessment: AFL, questioning and interaction. |
Explore key research into AFL and checking for understanding. Explore daily and monthly reviews and effective theories of interaction and questioning.
Carly Bozdogan (Primary) - Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) Jen Machaj (Secondary) - Specialist Leader of Education |
26th November 2021 AM (09:30 to 12:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases
Managing Mental Health and Well-being. |
Provide strategies to build resilience to challenging circumstances and consider WLB, time management.
Carly Bozdogan- Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) |
26th November 2021 PM (13:00 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within a Secondary Phases
Super Subject day 1 |
To work collaboratively on teaching and learning strategies with a group of Trainee teachers developing subject knowledge. Opportunity to share best practice specifically linked to subject knowledge
Jen Machaj - Specialist Leader of Education |
03rd December 2021 Full Day (09:30 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases |
How pupils learn: Sequencing, small steps and success rates. Charlotte Hindley, ELE. |
Break down learning into smaller steps; explore how to establish positive success rates; consider how challenge or pitch may be taken into account for learning.
Charlotte Hindley Evidence Leads in Education (ELE).. |
10th December 2021 AM (09:30 to 12:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within 3-7 | 5-11 | & Secondary Phases |
The EEF Guidance on the effective deployment of Teaching Assistants, Charlotte Hindley ELE. |
Overview into the key research relating to the deployment of other adult within your teaching experiences and how to make them work best for you.
Charlotte Hindley Evidence Leads in Education (ELE).. |
10th December 2021 PM (13:00 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |
Trainees and ECT Teachers within Primary Phases (3-7 & 5-11)
The Primary Curriculum Day 2: Breaking it down into small steps |
Explore the theory linked to the importance of effective sequencing including its impact on Long Term Memory and cognitive load. Explore strategies and resources for breaking end points down into clear small steps in a subject of your choice.
Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) and Evidence Leads in Education (ELE). |
17th December 2021 Full Day (09:30 to 15:30) |
To secure a place on this professional study session please click here to book
Virtual Event Fee: £50 per |